Human Resources Management (HRM)LET CnRG HELP IN MANAGING YOUR HR SYSTEM !!!

CnRG is a comprehensive HR management service provider, which helps companies – of all sizes, create and execute their HR systems, policies and procedures. Below you will find a short description of different ways we support our clients in managing their valuable resources – HUMANS. Clients who need to develop a HR Policy for their employees – hire CnRG in order to get a professional policy which takes into account various legal compliances regarding HR and puts in a comprehensive procedural guideline for them in managing their day-to-day and occasional HR related tasks and problems. Clients who want to hire talents – but do not want to go through the recruitment and selection hassles – hire CnRG to SCAN® the right incumbents for them. If clients need to assess their own standing in the Job Market in terms of salary, wages and benefits paid, they hire CnRG to conduct Benchmarking of Positions and a Salary Survey amongst similar organizations. Based on the finding of the survey, CnRG recommends changes to the salary and benefits. New organization, which need to set up their Salary and Benefits Structure also take the help of CnRG, to develop a comprehensive and market oriented pay package to attract and retain their HR. Organizations in NAISSANCE or RENAISSANCE, hire CnRG to conduct Job Analysis for them – in order to development or refine their Job Descriptions and Job Specifications. Existing organizations also hire CnRG to conduct Job Load Analysis in order to reallocate / redistribute their work, find out the distribution of authority vs. responsibility and RIGHT SIZE their organization. Clients, who already have set policies and procedures – but are large and geographically disbursed, sometimes need to Audit HR Systems in order to ensure that the systems are being implemented as per set guidelines. These clients include large MNC’s with Head Offices outside the country and need a Third Party Auditor to ensure compliance to HR compliance to HR systems and procedures.

CnRG continues to grow ever day thanks to the confidence our clients have in us. We cover many industries such as financial, energy, business services, consumer products.

Our Service

  • Early Retirement Plan Development (Golden Handshakes!)
  • Outplacement Services
  • HR Accounting
  • Designing HRIS (Human Resource Information System)
  • Developing Medical Policy
  • Affirmative Action Plan
  • Women & Minority Development
  • Stress Management
  • Employee Relocation
  • Exit Interview Design
  • Selection Methods Development
  • HR Planning
  • Job Enlargement / Enrichment / Sharing
  • Career Management & Succession Planning
  • Designing Induction/Orientation Programs
  • Performance Management System
  • MBO (Management By Objectives), KRA, KPI Based PMS
  • Balance Score Card System
  • Development of Performance Based Incentive Plans
  • Sensitivity Training
  • Organizational Climate Survey
  • Employee Satisfaction Survey
  • Staff Development Policy
  • Work Life Balance Strategy
  • Implementing Flexible Organization System
  • Leadership Development
  • Communication Improvement
  • Team Building
  • Competency Mapping & Framework Development
  • Anything else the client needs
how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

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